It's amazing who you meet on an airplane. My flight from D.C. to Atlanta yesterday was packed. I am currently reading "Stones into Schools" by Greg
Mortenson. This is the sequel to "Three Cups of Tea". I had noticed the man next to me was reading a book by John Eldredge, a Christian author who I am familiar with. He asked me about the book I was reading and we chatted about what we liked and didn't like about my book (Megan and I had just had this conversation as well!). He told me he was finished with the John Eldredge book and asked me if I wanted it. I graciously accepted it and as we
continued to talk, I found out who this man is. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Executives Without Borders. ExecWB's goal is to recruit businessmen to serve as the link between individuals in the global community and humanitarian projects around the world. So basically, if I were to start an NGO in an education related field I could contact ExecWB to help on the business side since I don't know anything about business. The website is and go to About Us then Board of Directors and the first biography is the guy I sat by. He has done some remarkable things.
The book is awesome! I started reading it on my next flight and I'm just about finished. It's called "Epic" and it is about God's story for us. Sometimes our story is wonderful and sometimes its terrible, but the Author is God and He has it written out where we succeed with Him in the end. We all have a true Epic to be told about us and there is a Larger Story and we are playing a crucial role.
It's amazing how God sets these meetings up. I am still in awe of how he worked through me the last few days. The things I experienced and the people I met will be with me forever. If it weren't for my amazing principal who assigned me to the Better Together grant where I met Jan Wetsel who asked me to be on the ECEO Public Policy board, none of this would have happened!
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