When I first moved over here to teach I tried to google, "How to teach in Africa". haha I wanted ideas and ways to be creative with little to no materials. Well, I've made it over that hump and now I'm turning into a creative machine (thanks to Onawa Linden, Jamie Ankenbrandt, Pinterest, The Crafty Crow and many other great websites)!!! I have used a lot of my own "Western" classroom ideas and made them amazing works of art in the middle of Africa.
I am going to try to post a lot of pictures of what we are doing at school. I figure it will be great for future teachers in developing countries as well as teachers in American who are on a budget!
I will, of course, throw in some pictures of the cute kiddos I work with! I sure can't leave them out. =)

Daniella came to school with a teddy bear tied on her back!
Our school of fish-paper, scissors and crayons!

Hannah playing at the Pattern Center-pocket chart from America and anything can be used to make patterns.

Sink of Float?

What sinks and what floats? We used a leaf, foam letter, bead, rock, foam dice, sticker, crayon, and paper clip