Walking up the hill to Sonrise this morning, I heard the beautiful sound of little voices singing. They were singing the Rwandan National Anthem and their voices were so sweet. I couldn’t help but smile. I took my camera to school today so below are some of the events of the day.

I am so blessed to be working at Sonrise. I forget that I am the only white face among a sea of Rwandan children and teachers! They have taken me in as if I was born and raised here. My KinyaRwandan is coming along “bohoro bohoro” which means “slowly by slowly”. Every morning I greet the matrons including my new Rwandan momma, Betty. I have tea or a banana with them and I learn some new phrases. They have named me MuToni Uwase which is my KinyaRwandan name. From what I understood, it means the girl with the Father in her heart.